Erasmus+ Sárközi Márta


"A 2014-1-HU01-KA104-000430 "Határaink meghaladása - A tudás útja Európába" elnevezésű projekt keretében 2015 júliusában 2 hetet töltöttem a Londoni Middlesex University-n, ahol ezidő alatt sikeresen elvégeztem a „Pozitív pszichológia és személyes boldogság” című kurzust. A kurzus során megismertem a pozitív pszichológia legfőbb elméleteit, továbbá gyakorlatot szereztem az elméletekhez kapcsolódó tesztek, kérdőívek alkalmazásában, és a pozitív pszichológiai elméletekre épülő gyakorlatok használatában is.

Visszatérve Magyarországra a Londonban szerzett tudás terjesztésébe kezdtem. Ennek keretében 2015 őszétől kezdődően több tudásmegosztó alkalmat tartottam, amin továbbadtam ismereteimet a Corporate Values Kft. munkatársai, partnerei és ügyfelei számára."



"I participated the Positive Psychology and Personal Happiness course in Middlesex University, London on the July of 2015. I got familiar with the basic theories of positive psychology, I learned to use some related questionaries and I was obligated to practice some positive exercises and share my reflections on them. I had to make a final case study presentation about myself by using the results of the learnt positive psychology questionnaires and present some well designed intervention plans to increase my personal happiness. It was a great challenge because I had to apply the freshly learnt positive psychology tools and reflect on myself in the same time. Fortunately I got some support from my professor and my group mates. Eventually my final presentation gone well and I got some useful feedback from the audience.

When I returned to Hungary, I had to complete some more assessment criterias. I critically assessed the following satement in a 1000 words long academical essay: „Happiness is something which can be, and ought to be, taught.” The second component was a 2000 words long essay about my case study. My overall result is quite good, my final grade is 4 in a 1-20 scale which is on the bottom line of the first class.

On the fall of 2015 I started the dissemination of my freshly gaind knowledge. I took presentations and workshops for the employees, partners and customers of Corporate Values Kft. I have started to use this konowledge in the coure of my work as part of the trainings which I lead. In our product development project – which is about a new mindfulness tool – we implemented this knowledge as well."