Erasmus+ Németh Gergely


"A 2014-1-HU01-KA104-000430 "Határaink meghaladása - A tudás útja Európába" elnevezésű projekt keretében 2016. decemberében két hetet töltöttem Máltán a Gateway English School által szervezett angol üzleti nyelvi kurzuson. Itt lehetőségem volt az angol nyelv gyakorlására különböző nemzetiségű résztvevőkkel."




Business English course at Malta


"I was at ran upper intermediate level in English language before the Erasmus plus English course. I intended to have more practice opportunity in foreign language context. I intended to become better in handling different Business situation where English language needed (e.g.: small talks, negotiation situation, business and academic presentation, lecturing, business meetings).


From 5th to 16th December 2016, I participated in a Business English course at Gateway English school (Triq Il-Bosfru, San Ġiljan, Malta). I spent 10 days with learning English, 30 hours of General Business English course and in the afternoons I had other 30 hours of Special Business English classes. The General Business English course was in a group situation where I met 6-8 other students from different nationalities (Polish, Russian, Turkish, Slovakian, Mongolian, Japanese). It was a great opportunity to learn and practice small talk situations, too. The Special Business English course was one-on-one and gave opportunity to practice business situations and presenting for more than 30 minutes in front of an audience.


After the courses, there was lot of homework to do. It was a really intensive two weeks of English language. Both courses covered grammar, vocabulary and speaking modules at upper intermediate level.


Thanks for Erasmus+ grant (KA1-FO-74-4 ) for the opportunity to have these intensive Business English courses at Malta."