Erasmus+ Avar Tamás


A 2014-1-HU01-KA104-000430 "Határaink meghaladása - A tudás útja Európába" elnevezésű projekt keretében 2016. januárjában egy hetet töltöttem Koppenhágában, ahol elvégeztem az In-Dialogue “Narrative Coaching” kurzusát.


A képzés során átfogó betekintést kaptam a narratíva alapú módszertanok világába, különös tekintettel a narratíva alapú coaching és mentoring technikákra. Interjú- és facilitációs módszertanokat sajátítottam el és gyakoroltam, valamint olyan sajátos, a Narratív Coaching módszertanának központi elemeit jelentő technikákat, mint a Re-authoring (Újra-írás), Externalizáció vagy a Pozíció Térkép használata. 


A módszer kiválóan alkalmas olyan személyes nehézségek és elakadások feltérképezésére és átkeretezésére, amelyek akadályozzák az egyént/vezetőt egyéni jóllétének és a szakmai kibontakozásának optimalizálásában. Munkatársaimmal több alkalommal is megosztottam tapasztalataimat. 




Between 2016 January 10th  and 16th I participated in a 5-day Narrative Coaching course of In-Dialogue, one renowned European provider of adult-education courses, in Copenhagen. The course has given insight and extensive knowledge in the domain of Narrative methods and techniques, a very useful and innovative set of tools for leadership and personal development. During the 5 days I have learned and practiced the theory and practical methods of the Narrative approach, with particular focus on Coaching and Mentoring. An important and very valuable aspect of the course was the opportunity to share and exchange the various experiences and best practices of the international participants of different professional and cultural background in the area of Coaching-based leadership and personal development.


The course was highly practical, with a ratio of approximately 80% to 20% of practice to theory. The most important tools to be understood and practiced during the course were Re-authoring, Externalisation, Identity Landscape and the use of Position Map and Outsider Witness Group, including various interview and facilitation techniques in Coaching and Mentoring.


During the Dissemination events organized for my colleagues and startegic partner consultants the Narrative approach proved to be useful, insightful and inspiring for the participants. Along with trying out and practising the methods, we had extensive dialogue on how and what elements to build and implement into our already established various set of Coaching and Mentoring methods and techniques. Some of these elements (f.e.: Externalisation, Re-authoring), were already close-to-be-known being similar to the tools of other approaches while some were truly new and innovative (fe.: Identity Landscape, Outsider Wittness Group). The series of knowledge-sharing events have given space and opportunity as well for exchanging the experiences my colleagues and I have had in trying the methods and techniques with our clients in Coaching, Team-Coaching and Trainig sessions during the Dissemination process.


Altogether it proved to be a well-selected and valuable course for the professional development of the employees and professional partners of COVA.